Digital Solid State Propulsion, Inc


DSSP produces and sells liquid HAN based monopropellants, AF-M315E and GEM. These propellants are green, insensitive ionic liquid propellants that provide an alternative to toxic hydrazine boasting higher performance with lower toxicity for satellite propulsion, and down hole oil and gas enhanced recovery. These propellants are also green and insensitive with shipping classifications in the 1.4 category.


GEM (Green electric monopropellant)

HAN based liquid monopropellant developed by DSSP that can be electrically ignited or ignited by catalyst bed. This material ships as a 1.4C material and requires the customer to have a current ATF permit and End User Agreement.

GEM3 has been developed to be comparable to AF-M315E in density and viscosity with slightly higher performance capability and faster ignition characteristics for propulsion.

Sierra GEM has been developed for higher temperature stability for downhole well stimulation for enhanced oil recovery.



AF-M315E was developed by the Air Force Research Laboratories and licensed for production by DSSP. It provides a higher performance and less toxic alternative to hydrazine while shipping as a 1.4C material. A current ATF permit and end user agreement is required by the customer for purchase of this product.


Hydroxylamine Nitrate (38-40%)

HAN comes standard as 38-40% concentration. Contact us for custom concentrations to meet your needs.